I am Living with This
I know you do not understand how hard it can be
Living with the pain
Living with the hurt my family feels for me
How limited my life has to be
Only a few simple things I have done
Only a few simple things I have done
Usually spending my days
Thinking and dreaming of fun
My life is to be
Yet a foggy haze
Knowing my soul keeps creeping around
Some nights I will cry
Some nights I will sigh
Some nights I just want to fly
Take in the air and simply stare
At my sleeping family
Thinking, why me
Irritated with the pain my body goes through
Irritated with me
The shame in which I wish
I never knew
Wanting to scream
This will have a lot of meaning
Watch me now
With this illness
With this sickness
Never being completely alone
Never being able to be completely shown
Never understanding
Why I was given gifts
Why my life has to be limited
Living with my feelings that will never be truly understood
You will never truly get me
I am living with this
I am living with my Epilepsy